Meet the lawyer behind deceptive marketing lawsuits like the strawberry Pop-Tarts case



I am Plantagenet as well as thou,
And son of John of Gaunt
Oh, wait, wrong quote.

perhaps this is a case(s) where I’m happy to see lawyer and corporations chew each other up.

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I kinda did. I didn’t really think about it, just as the product marketing and packaging is specifically designed to keep me from doing.

From Kellogg’s website:

I see a real strawberry. And I don’t see any disclaimer or the word “flavored” anywhere on the front of the box.

I’m not a fan of lawyers making bank off of boilerplate class action lawsuits, but it looks like Kellogg’s deserves this one.


And yet…

It has always amazed me how so many USians would rather cherish their own hypothetical ‘freedom’ - which also grants corporations a real and material ‘freedom’ - rather than see their lives improved and their health protected by government regulation of corporate behaviour.

The ‘freedom’ to buy highly processed crap, overtly masquerading as food, is what results.

ETA Can I put it more bluntly? The resistance to government regulation is an idiotic preservation of the freedom to be lied to, cheated, defrauded, conned and exploited by corporations. The corporations fund a large number of politicians to ensure it remains so, and these politicians translate their masters’ wishes into messages about threats to personal freedoms. The US education system is increasingly geared towards ensuring these messages cannot be tested or questioned. Carry on, USA, decline and fall are all that remain…


You really think as a country we’ll go down and not take everyone with us?

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I have a distinct childhood memory of PopTarts proudly declaring on their packaging that they were filled with genuine Smuckers Jelly. Had to be late 60s, early 70s but I remember it.


Well, you won’t take down the Chinese as you fall. And the EU is a 50/50 at present - could go either way.


Why do you think we’re all so invested in you not doing that? We know you’ll take us all down with you, only we don’t get a vote on it.

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Well, essentially he’s just doing through civil suits what the FDA was invented for as a regulatory body.

It’s just that through regulatory capture and the fact that all our politicians serve wealthy lobbyists, the only recourse for fraudulent advertizing is lawsuits.

That’s the only thing we can do to force the producers to stop lying. The government certainly doesn’t care.


My brain immediately filled that in with “mice” because I’m way more familiar with the cartoon than I am with the book.


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