Memories of DOS gaming

That’s not a shooter.

I entirely blame Braben and Bell for my abysmal failure in academia. :smiley:

I remember setting up a DOS boot disk with a menu where I could select which configuration I wanted. Some games wanted a bunch of conventional memory, others wanted expanded memory. Dropping the mouse driver was often a good idea.

The game I remember playing that no one else seems to remember is Solar Winds. It was a shareware game where you flew around the solar system in a spaceship.

Turns out it was developed by a guy in the area who founded Digital Extremes. The company would later be involved in the Unreal series and more recently Warframe.

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Duke Nukem and Commander Keen were both awesome games. Another favorite of mine was hocus pocus.

How is frungy played? With gusto!

What about the Win 3.1 era? Am I the only one who wasted countless hours in this here crudely-drawn world?

Operation: Inner Space rocked my world as well.

Loved how meta it was to asteroid away at avatars of my own Windows files and icons, as well as the general freeform craziness (cop ships eating space donuts? Ducks?).

Probably the first shareware game I actually bought back in the era of floppy disks and snail mail (international too, since I am/was in Brazil). I remember fondly receiving the game box, more of a thick folder actually, with a little card saying something like ‘thank you for spending your hard earned money on our game. We promise not to spend it all on candy and strippers’.

Oh god the memories.

I still never could get past the level 7 boss in Desecent and I made it as far as level 18 or so before just giving up. Back then 3+ hours for a level was a real thing. Still for me the best DOS game ever was Star Control 2. (Which is open sourced and playable in Windows now.)

Even past the DOS days, the early days of Windows games were pretty good. Descent Freespace 1 and 2 were awesome. WipeOut XL wouldn’t have been epic if they hadn’t screwed the timing loop all to hell…

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Yep. Nethack is as deep as I’ve needed to go in that genre. Still play every few weeks.

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No. That guy was obviously a paedo. [/s]

your Castle of the winds screenshot sort of reminds me of Taskmaker, a mac game.

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Not nearly crude enough. Typical mac.

Well, yes. Mac Users had taste.

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I still sometimes play Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup - which is a Nethack clone. My brother has actually beaten it. Twice. He’s a hard core gamer though and I turned him on to it.

I loved all the Lucas Arts games: Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle, Tie Fighter, etc.

One of the early DOS games I actually bought and played was Dragon Wars. A pretty fun RPG, had a Boris cover on the box. I think I still have the box.

Anyone remember ZPC - it had the art of BRUTE! who did the KMFDM album covers and I think one of the guys from Ministry did the music.

I think I need you to explain further. I have an image in my head of Boris Johnson being on the cover.

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I don’t know why no app developer has tried to revive this game. It was perfect.

vague, vague memories of solarwinds.

Like this?

Plus there’s the Worms franchise with a very similar concept.

It had an interesting story. Aliens had put a barrier around our solar system and others to contain younger races.

Boris the fantasy artist.


He’s a politician AND a painter - a real renaissance man!

Boris Vallejo, whose past works include movie posters for Barbarella, National Lampoon’s Vacation series and, oddly, an Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie.


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