Moral panic: Japanese girls risk fingerprint theft by making peace-signs in photographs

Since Japanese newspapers tend to disapear article quickly, here is the full text in Japanese from the source 【指紋ネット盗難】「ピースサインは危険!!」 3メートル離れて撮影でも読み取り可能  - 産経ニュース


「ピースサインは危険!!」 3メートル離れて撮影でも読み取り可能




Screenshot of the above in the original article:

Worth noting that Sankei Shinbun is a major national paper here in Japan but more worth noting that Japanese reporters are not in the habit of fact checking in the way Western readers expect. The article does not in fact provide any details, just the claim.

Looking through Prof Ichizen’s Japanese home page, there are no publications relating to this. None of his work seems really related either. Searching on his name from the NII home page does not seem to lead to anything related.

This may in fact be bullshit. @doctorow didn’t you just post this article on detecting bullshit?

As a side note, even someone who reads no Japanese at all could have done the checking I did using nothing more than Wikipedia and Google Translate.

Um… one Sankei article which resulted in an AFP news feed isnt very much attention.

Not in the original article which says nothing at all about women young or old. Nor the AFP sourced article either. Seems to me you just decided to editorialize on your own. You are aware that the peace sign in photos is common to men and women here arent you?

EDIT: Methinkst you are trying to create a “moral panic” where one does not actually exist.