MRA Scott Adams: pictures and words by Scott Adams, together at last

Yeah, it’s a pretty common human failing, but gloriously on display in the red pill community. Basically the “red pill” is a symbol of being smarter than everyone else. Smart people - if indeed they are smart, I have no reason to think most self-identified smart people are - need to learn that being smart and rational makes you better at justifying your stupid ideas, and smart people are just as likely to think stupid things as everyone else; they are just more likely to be able to defend those beliefs.

But any time you detect someone who appears to think that if you only understood them then you would have to agree, that’s a good sign they aren’t worth much of your time. (And, sadly, that they will interpret your withdrawal from a discussion as proof that they are smart and continue acting the same damn way)


Or they just need their diapers changed.

Although I don’t share people’s dislike for Mr. Adams, I enjoyed the comics!

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I was blissfully unaware of this “Red Pill” community of which you folks are speaking, but had to look it up and now I feel gross.


So you’re an MRA too? Okay, duly noted then.

How goes life in the high-contrast black-white-only us-vs-them world these days?

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It seems you have yet to figure out something, so here’s some help: the particular mode of “dislike for Adams” expressed by people here and elsewhere is based on his advocacy of positions that are basically indistinguishable from those of MRAs.

How goes life in the Land of the Blind these days?

“Too” meaning in addition to my other fiendish qualities, or “too” meaning that you’re granting me membership in a category? Because I’m not much of a joiner, I don’t want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member.

What’s an MRA anyway? I know I could have looked it up online, but I’d rather hear your view.

Had the exact same experience. I guess it’s better that now we know? I ain’t looking any deeper into that cesspit, though. And I’m leery of looking up this “MRA” thing.

The latter.

I’m sorry, have you not been commenting in a way that indicates you think you know what you’re talking about in the thread to a post about “MRA Scott Adams”? And yet, now you’re asking me to define “MRA”? Gosh, it’s SO EASY for me to think of better things to do with my time…

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Since @milliefink is being passive-aggressive (sorry, but when you write “Gosh, it’s SO EASY for me to think of better things to do with my time…” when it would take less time to just define the term as requested, you’re being passive-aggressive)…

MRA stands for “Men’s Rights Activist” and is generally used to denote someone who responds to calls for the equality of men and women by whining about how much better women have it compared to men.




id. <FFFFFF surely it’s the same man behind those two the avatars

Medievalist’s first post in the thread was simply:

I’m not sure this indicates any knowledge one way or the other of what the term MRA refers to.


I don’t think one has to know what an MRA is commonly taken to be to basically be one. And to say, in a thread to a post that includes the words “MRA Scott Adams,” in a thread that discusses his noxious views about the wimmens, that one does not share people’s dislike for Adam’s strikes me, as I indicated above, as an indication that one is basically an MRA too. I didn’t start out by saying anything about whether that person actually knows what the term MRA refers to.

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Oh, thank you! I’m pleased not to have to go look at any Men’s Rights sites in order to find that out! I don’t think I would like them; I’m far too neanderthal for that.

I find Scott Adams’ comments about women and men to be darkly hilarious - they represent the worst sort of way of looking at male/female relationships, much as his Dilbert strips tend to represent the worst view of corporate engineering departments. It’s not like they don’t have a seed of truth, but obviously cats do not hold positions as HR Directors and equally obviously women do not literally have total power over men’s sex lives.

What can I say, bleak humor works for me! It’s funny. I don’t expect other people to agree.

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You sound like a Republican.

“Either you are with us, or you are with the [MRA].” - George W. Bush

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Well they DO get to wear kick ass looking thigh high boots that would be right at home in an elven forest or possibly a back water space port with out getting weird looks.

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I thought one of the reasons you owned a gun was to discourage those who gave you weird looks.