My friend wrote about her lucid dream and shared it with me

Bravo! Punch that evil into smoke!

Fear is the most destructive thing in the Universe.


I smoke a lot of ganja, and still have the odd lucid dream, as always. I hope they return to you.


I always figured that, if and when lucidity occurs, that stage of sleep is so light that it’s a delicate balancing act between dreaming and waking up. I always fall on the side of the latter…


I have a recurring dream where I try and hide an object (usually a valuable tool of one sort or another but sometimes a weapon) somewhere in the dream so I can retrieve it again when I’m awake.

But this realisation that I’m in a dream causes the dream to dissolve and I wake up


That used to happen to me, too. I’d get so excited that I’d startle myself awake. In another thread someone recommended a tip from dream yoga practice where you focus on the Tibetan letter a (sounds like “ah.”) Last time I was lucid and started to feel myself waking I just chanted the letter and it totally worked. The dream had all begun fading to black as I woke, but once I started chanting it all turned light blue then went back to the dream so I could fly around some more. That’s my favorite thing to do when lucid, I fly all around the landscape like Peter Pan.


“Am I a man dreaming be is a butterfly,
Or a butterfly dreaming he is a man?”
– Zhuangzi

And does it matter? I have had these, and on waking have to concentrate for a bit to sort out what was real and what was dream. Finally decided it didn’t matter, just be kind and it will work itself out. (IMHO) if you would be an a sshole if given the power of a god, which is pretty much the case in lucid dreams, you should carefully evaluate your values.


I like the advice about being kind. I don’t worry so much if I’m dreaming or if I’m the dream, but I used to worry that I’d think I was dreaming and try to fly off a cliff. So now for my dream flying I only launch off solid ground, never leap out or off a high surface. Just hedging my bets :wink:


When I was in seminary, I had the good fortune to hear a few lectures by Rev. Dr. Jeremy Taylor on dreamwork. His theories were fascinating. I was saddened to hear of his passing in 2018.


For a while after I quit smoking cigarettes I continued “recreationally” using nicotine patches because they have the side effect (very strong for me) of vivid dreams. Never had a lucid dream, but did have a lot of really compelling, wake-up-feeling-it-had-really-happened dreams.


Nicotine patches give me crazy dreams.
(ETA: I see I’m not the only one)


Lol, I wish I could claim that I punched it to smoke, but the SF was already nothing before contact was even made.

I wonder if that ancient feeling of fear and dread has an evolutionary psychology component to it. Like how a person’s natural instinct to fear spiders and snakes developed over the course of millenias, are we still coded with fears that go back to when our ancestors were small rodents or even fish? Is this why people claim to see shadow figures in nightmares, as moving shadow forms could have been an early warning mechanism for predators.

I wouldn’t have consideted such things if it wasn’t for the the lucid dream, and is an example why I look forward to having more of them.


LOL. I work in wholesale/retail bakery and a lot of the stores on my account have that song in the muzak rotation. I know exactly where my mind is going to go now when I hear it. Ear worm + Eye Worm = ?

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Those dancers have a real Around The World energy!

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Nicotine patches sure fucked with my dreams, and a late GF had the same experience. The dreams were so intense it felt like I’d never slept. I began removing the patches at bedtime.

I am among the 1 in 30,000 (if Memory serves) who report vivid dreams when taking ampicillin too often during the prescribed course. I was taking it every 8hrs on the dot.

A dream-remembering strategy that I came across many years ago worked for me and the friends I hipped. Spend a few days telling yourself several times during the day, out loud, and “loudly” thinking, “I will remember my dreams.” It’s a simple way to program yr unconscious, and can be repeated whenever needed.

ETA: Even “brain on rinse” dreams can be amusing. I watched a No Reservations marathon years ago, and Bourdain showed up in my dream that night. I saved him from experiencing a lousy restaurant in Detroit’s Greektown, and hipped him to a much better one. He was amused and grateful, and I told him as I was leaving, “Your hair’s even better in real life!” which cracked him up as he thanked me.


Mom and I attended a yearly horsey fest in Lou-a-vulle a few times. Once, we were given the chance to ride an Icelandic horse. I accompanied Sindri (the kindly Icelander who worked with a Yankistani breeder) to the stable, to get the horse we’d be riding. The horse was very sweet, but he did not want to come out of the stable. Sindri and I couldn’t figure out what was wrong, until I had a brainwave. I looked down at the floor, where there was a channel for long-gone sliding doors, and saw a chain buried under sawdust and straw. The chain once ran across the entrance, preventing escapes.

“Sindri, it’s the chain!” He looked down and saw it as I began digging it out with a boot heel. "He thinks it’s a snake!" I worked my way down the length of the doorway, pulling up the chain as I went. The horse watched all this. Sindri and I showed him the chain as I pulled on it, and then Sindri was able to lead him right out the doorway w/o any probs. I pointed out how fascinating and weird the collective/instinctual memory can be, and he naturally agreed. I had another sudden brainwave: "Sindri, there aren’t any snakes in Iceland, are there?" Shocked, he stopped in his tracks, mouth open. He got himself together and told me no, there aren’t. We laughed and briefly discussed collective/instinctual memory some more as we began walking again. Sindri, the horse, and I all got our minds blown twice that day.

I’m very glad that at least one Icelander knows some Yankis are actually surprisingly intelligent :wink:

ETA: The horse had been recently imported from Iceland.


I was sitting next to this girl, who didn’t know that she was a character in my dream. She thought that she was real. I told her that she wasn’t real, and that I was dreaming.

I do this same kinda thing in my lucid dreams from time to time. The other characters never know/realize they’re not “real”. I just get a blank stare in return. It’s maddening!

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I’ve found that in my dreams I cannot Google things. I’ll want to know some answer to a question or some valuable piece of information and just like in real life I’ll think to google it on my phone. But then I can’t find my phone. Or I have my phone but it will not operate. I believe that since my mind doesn’t know the answer it prevents me from asking the question.

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It’s a nightmare if it turns out you can only use Bing!


A dream to some… A NIGHTMARE TO OTHERS!