Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/01/22/mysterious-giant-geological-eye-staring-into-space-from-earth.html
NASA doesn’t create black holes, NASA has pictures of black holes made.
I see what you did there.
huh. this makes me think: maybe we should just give musk a pair of red lensed sunglasses and send him to the sahara. mission accomplished.
Mauritania gets +1 Production and +1 Science from owning that too.
If they ever research nukes they’ll get another +2 Science.
It’s a pretty good natural wonder.
Belly button?
Also, thanks for using a actual image of the thing. I had to work up the courage to click the link for fear of some horrific AI induced nightmare fuel .
Gee, you’d think geologists would recognize a sarlacc pit when they see one.
Africa should never have let Pangaea break away.
And space stares back.
What did the goat see?
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