Neri Oxman, wife of plagiarism critic Bill Ackman, plagiarized passages of her dissertation

But she’s PRETTY…and she does TECH stuff, so who cares if she lifted ENTIRE PASSAGES from wikipedia! /s



A prof once told us “I could take a public domain work and claim it as my own. ‘Pride and Prejudice’, by Prof [redacted] would be plagiarizing but it would not be a copyright violation. Likewise, I could quote an entire copyrighted work cover-to-cover. As long as my citation was correct, then ‘The DaVinci Code, Quoted’ by Prof [redacted] would not be plagiarizing. But the publisher’s copyright lawyers would have a solid case against me.”


off topic but i’m reminded of pierre menard. theoretically not even plagiarism… though i guess the same could be said of infinite monkeys

Borges’ review describes Menard’s efforts to go beyond a mere translation of Don Quixote by immersing himself so thoroughly in the work as to be able to actually “re-create” it, line for line, in the original 17th-century Spanish


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