Originally published at: New analysis confirms Vinland map drawn with modern ink, is fake as heck | Boing Boing
If I could time travel, I’d be tempted to piss off every archeologist, art historian, and pigment analyst by teaching the Egyptians or Romans about the joys of titanium dioxide pigment.
You’d also want to convince them to build a mass spectrometer to seperate out the Ti-44 isotope to further confound future archeologists
Indeed, finding an ancient Egyptian mass spectrometer would be pretty surprising, I agree.
Can you imagine the ancient aliens dudes minds blowing when they find a pyramid with a series of gas centrifuges in the basement?
I’d settle for handing out a few cases of ball-point pens.
Boy, really had me going there…
Right? Now my whole worldview has changed!
Is… is that a pigment pun?
Two related things for the intellectually curious:
The very-racist-in-origin “Nordic Revival” of the ~1870s - 1930s;
L’Anse aux Meadows.
Illustration of the former: my town’s weathervane atop City Hall
I dunno how many people got the final pun, but it made my morning.
It was one of those lines where I knew this was a Beschizza without having to look at the byline. slow clap
No shit, Sherlock
Yes, it was quite iron-ic.
With all the trouble the hoaxer went to, how hard would it have been to whip up a batch of authentically 15th century ink? I made some walnut ink myself last year, and it worked pretty well. I could have thrown in a few iron nails to darken it. With a little care, I’m sure I could have kept it free of modern contaminants.
The provenance remains unclear. For all we know the perpetrator may well have been Gallic.
“…didn’t have the gall to pull it off.”? Fie, Sir! Fie! He who would pun would pick a pocket
L’Anse aux Meadows
Kim Stanley Robinson wrote a short story “Vinland the Dream” about L’Anse aux Meadows, wherein the narrator discovers that the whole thing was a brilliantly executed hoax.
If the forgery worked for a century I’d say he did a pretty good job. He might not have cared if some future super science managed to expose him long after his death.
I suspect that the chance to use that pun was the entire reason for the rest of the post.