New demand for very old farm tractors specifically because they're low tech

Don’t you still need to cover the insurance? When I rent they require proof of insurance. Car insurance is weird that way. I pay the coverage on the car, but it’s the driver that’s covered.

Some one else suggested shopping it around. I agree, I have a newer car that I drive more miles, and my insurance is less (but in the US)

Oh yeah, when I get my next car the first things I’m gonna do are:

-wrap the whole thing (except windshield) in foil
-have the radio on full blast any time the car is running
-get in the habit of only driving in reverse
-yank any wires that don’t seem to have an impact on the, ya know, basic function of getting from A to B

These are just for starters, of course.

Car share is different from car rental; EVO charges $2/year for insurance. From the EVO website:
A convenient and affordable way to get around Vancouver. You only pay for what you use, and gas, insurance and parking are all included.

Wow… That seems too good to be true. It’d be great to be free of a car… Maintenance, storage, etc… Good luck!

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Ah, yes. Good old salt of the earth farmers avoiding that new highfalutin’ technology…like any kind of emissions controls, which means the tractors that article is celebrating are spewing horrific quantities of all sorts of nasty things into the air. Yay for particulates!

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For third-party liability around here, there is no shopping around.

At 2:29…?

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You joke, but I’m fairly certain this was a major concern at one point or another. That we have enough agricultural and construction equipment being produced to compete with the Russians.

Incidentally, a bit of historical trivia:

The “missile gap” was propaganda bullshit from the beginning. When JFK coined the term (in order to attack Eisenhower for insufficient militarism), the USA nuclear arsenal was massively larger than that of the Soviets.

Kennedy was fully aware of this, but continued to use the line. The deliberate manufacture of bloodthirsty xenophobia for momentary political advantage was something that he was completely cool with.



To be fair, the entire Red Scare and Cold War era was about this, and it’s not like its gone away or we wouldn’t have the president we have now.

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For some reason I cannot quite fathom I bought farming simulator and even though I am sure it is a fairly superficial take on the agricultural industry, it has helped me to appreciate people I grew up with I didn’t quite understand at the time. The hardware involved in farming is extremely interesting and complicated in a way that is beautiful. I am not surprised late stage capitalism has its tendrils in that when it comes to things like right to repair, etc

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AFAIK, United States was far ahead of Soviet agriculture all the time.

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The USSR and other Communist countries had something of an obsession with tractors, since building and using them was seen as the essential foundation for modernising agriculture and increasing crop yields.


Well, they weren’t wrong. Even a small and crappy by modern standards tractor is a huge help. There’s a reason they replaced workhorses so rapidly!

Car To Go was started by Mercedes in 2008 because they had overproduced Smart Cars. In order to mitigate the massive cost of sitting on unsold inventory, they started the car share business using the unsold cars. Modo has been around for a long time; it’s a consolidation of several local car sharing services started in 1997. EVO is new, started in 2015 by BCAA.


More true and sad words have never been spoken.

I never thought I’d see the day when Russian propaganda was used to elect a Russian-favorable president and that the Republicans would know about and welcome this help. Trump was Russia’s last shot in the cold war, and we lost.

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I would happily buy a car with the current safety repetoire as long as I could disable the airbags and antilock brakes.

Uh, OK. I have a friend who also eschews safety equipment, namely seat belts, because of various nebulous reasons. Good luck with that.

That’s because the major M-L countries were effectively feudal countries before their revolutions. Russia had technically ended feudalism by law a few decades earlier, but in practice it was still there.

Tractors were seen as part of the industrialisation process and the road to socialism.


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