Stumbled across the PeachyPrinter. Currently in a Kickstarter and an IndieGoGo, they’re offering a kit for a home 3-d printer for US$100.00. (Slightly higher in Canada, see the IndieGoGo for C$ pricing. . .)
Caveats: It’s a resin printer, not a more common filament-based printer. Apparently, you float the resin on a bed of saltwater, which gets pumped in to the “lower reservoir” to control the vertical axis of printing.
A fully-assembled version will be available for $US 400.00 in the KickStarter. There is also going to be a larger PeachyPrinter Pro, price unknown at the moment.
He also links a relatively inexpensive source of resin, MakerJuice, which starts at US$22.00 for 500ml of resin.
Anyone out there with 3-D Resin Printing experience ?? Is this a decent idea for a first 3-d printer ?
Is unused resin from a print reuseable ? Do you have to skim it off and re-jar it ? Or is it stable at room-temp condtions ? Aromatic ? Vapor Toxicity ? Just wondering, as filament just sits there, worst that can happen is the cat decides to chew on it.
Have at it, gang. . .