Driving imposes huge externalities on the people around you, and the denser the place, the bigger the externalities. DMV fees are administrative, they don’t begin to cover it. Gas taxes don’t begin to cover it either. The EZPass $3 toll on the Henry Hudson Bridge doesn’t neither.
Congestion pricing schemes are, fundamentally, about setting this in better balance, about not letting people get away with imposing these costs on others scot-free. Full stop.
If you mean Manhattan - according the article, it’s for entering the island below 60th street.
Not sure what they’ll do about people that come over the GWB instead…
Thank you for the correction. With all the construction I saw from afar, I assumed it was new. But still, they could have added light rail. And when they build the #TurnpikeTrap new bridge over Newark Bay - lets see if they consider rail and pull the idea at the last moment due to “cost”.
The pricing zone is Manhattan below 60th - if you’re already there with your car, you’re good, if you come into the city from one of the other boroughs or Jersey with your car, that’s when you’d get dinged for the fee.
I would be shocked if the load capacity of the existing spans would accommodate light rail, that kinda has to be designed into the bridge from the start. I could be wrong!
I bet what would work out the best honestly would be a parallel light rail structure for connecting the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail to the (dream, reactivated) SI North Shore light rail line. Sorta like how out in southeast Queens the A train tracks go over Jamaica Bay parallel to the north and south Broad Channel bridges but not colocated with them.
When the lower deck was added no railroads wanted to use it. However, the space still remains for tracks to be built. The bigger problem is laying rails on the approaches to the bridge.
Former (long-ago) Manhattan pedestrian here. Our California dad’s Jeep was inherited by my sister, a NYC transit system supervisor. She lived above a mob funeral parlor near police HQ and thus could fairly safely park the Jeep on the street. I doubt she drove much in the city but a US$23 annual fee would not have stopped her – that’s about the price of a hamburger, right?
How many other Noo-Yawkers would be equally unbothered?
I doubt she ever drove off the island. Nowhere interesting to go in Bronx, Brooklyn, Newark, et al. And why drive to Canarsie (coastal Queens) when cheap subways go there?