News story rewrites itself depending on where you are

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For the curious amongst you- for those of us whose IPs identify us as being outside the US, the story defaults to Manhattan.


My company’s VPN runs through the headquarters on the left coast, so websites that track my location get it really wrong - especially since I can connect at home without the VPN and suddenly my computer seems to have traveled thousands of miles.


i’m afraid of a future where the news is tailored to your pre-existing biases instead of challenging you and making you aware of things outside your current view/scope/biases. that future is starting now.

in a way this is a scam: The best place to live is where you live. The best looking person is you. People should think what you think. Your favorite candidate will win. The people you dislike are bad because of the reasons you think. More self confirmation at 11.


Well, it is.
Events happen. Their interpretation depends on the news source you habitually read. You want it dangling leftwards, Boing Boing will give you that, for example.

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I get your point that any news source has some inherent bias. The better and more trustworthy ones strive to overcome that and present as fair and unbiased of coverage as possible and stick to the facts and even include alternate viewpoints where relevant. They actively engage critical thinking and often allow the viewer to draw their own informed conclusions.

This is taking the opposite approach and very worst part of news and concentrating it to 100%. Total bias confirmation. This isn’t the same coolaid, this is pure uncut coolaid powder.


I just looked out of the window, and… OMG where did all the skyscrapers go???

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i’m afraid of a future where the news is tailored to your pre-existing biases instead of challenging you and making you aware of things outside your current view/scope/biases. that future is starting now.

That future is already here and has been for quite awhile, except we do it to ourselves. We either go to Fox News or MSNBC; Drudge or Talking Points Memo; Breitbart or DailyKos. Most people are already inclined to seek out viewpoints that reinforce their own, and it’s probably only going to get worse. I’m not really sure why this NYT article is all that big of a deal. A lot of websites already tailor their front pages based on where you’re coming from. CNN US vs. CNN International.

Facebook has been at the forefront of this for a while. It’s getting worse, for sure.


Facebook users are the new AOL users. :smile:

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I agree see my reply to @gregmcph above.

This isn’t cherry picking which articles appear, this is changing the actual conclusions of the article, in other words falsifying the conclusion aka lying. What if the article said that officer x was likely guilty or innocent depending on if you were a black person or a white male police officer when viewing the article, would the issue be more clear then?


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