I think my country’s leaders are evil cartoon characters who enact evil, sweeping laws. I’m prepared to offer denizens of other nations the same courtesy.
This is the most honest and forthright account of what’s going on that I have read in the US media:
P.S. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/1898241_722211801143235_1305869420_n.jpg
Shot dead today by government snipers. And you’re arguing about whether the man can be called a “dictator”?
P.P.S. Live feed from Maidan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObBHW8XQvUQ#t=131256
Helpful if you understand Ukrainian, of course.
Lol, so because people die from police violence in US, Obama is a dictator?
People are being picked off in the street by government snipers and your laughing and bitching about semantics?
People are being picked off in the street by government snipers and your posting on internet forums?
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