Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/02/08/nintendos-new-cardboard-exte.html
Then you put your creations—called Toy-Con—together with a Nintendo Switch, and things get wild, in ways that you can probably imagine (combining the fishing rod with the Switch screen for a fishing mini-game)…
Catching actual fish is so 20th century.
I can’t justify that robot kit. It looks fun, but it looks clunky. it’s almost like it’s a cheap knockoff of VR. However, that variety kit seems to be a must have. I have it pre-ordered and am really looking forward to spending some quality time with the kidos playing with that.
Wow. I could imagine folding up some cardboard, along with some primitive optics and ushering in a new era in VR exploration!
Nintendo literally can’t get enough credit for what they’ve done with Switch. If every manufacturing concern did this good of a job, we’d be living in a Star Trek-like future within a decade.
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