No one entered Jeffrey Epstein's cell the night he died

The only unusual detail I’ve seen about the Epstein story is that after his first suicide attempt he was taken off suicide watch after something like24 hours. At the insistence of his own lawyers.

Someone who’s been in the MCU suicide ward described it me as “they throw you naked into a padded room without even a bucket to shit in”. But Epstein wasn’t in the suicide ward when he died, and a lot of the “but how?” conspiracy comes out of the assumption that he was. Its not surprising that Epstein would want out, though. It is weird that his lawyers would fight to end it.

All of the staffing, funding, negligence and broken shit problems at this detention center had already been reported, and complained about in court for a long time before Epstein’s death. Including during his first suicide attempt. Hell it was his lawyers who asked for the suicide watch, and authorities tried to argue it wasn’t a real suicide attempt, with the broken cameras and lack of video in his cell during that attempt becoming a major part of that fight.

A lot of the other misunderstandings have to do with the fact that this is not a prison and is not part of the prison system. The MCU is a federal detainment facility or jail. Its not a big place where you go to serve time. Its where they hold people pending trial/charges. Jails have a different set of super fucked up problems then prisons. And one of the big ones is negligence and suicides, along with broken facilities and staff short falls.

Its a pretty big indictment of that situation that these people didn’t even give enough fucks to be more careful than usual with a case this high profile. But aside from the detail of who it was that lifted the suicide watch, the scandal here is that Epstein got treated like everyone else.