NSA-proof passwords

Oh for heavens’ sake…spill! What is it?

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The diceware site actually has a fair amount of information on it. One technique diceware promotes is to insert a random character of your choosing:

For extra security without adding another word, insert one special character or digit chosen at random into your passphrase.

In practice, I use another system that generates 30+ character passwords for every site, and it’s quite rare that sites don’t accept those these days. So, for me, the practical solution is:

  • Use diceware for ‘offline’ passwords (where you need to memorize them)
  • Use something like Passwordmaker Pro for most online passwords (no memorization necessary)
  • Use a password manager (I use pass) to store everything, and secure it with a Diceware password

That’s how I use the available tools for my everyday security needs.

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The reality of security from XKCD: https://xkcd.com/538/


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