Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/26/ntsb-norfolk-southern-interfered-with-derailment-investigation.html
Not that this would happen, of course. Corporations are only people when it is convenient for them to be so. Weird, that, eh?
Any sufficiently large business is indistinguishable from a criminal enterprise.
If they were actually innocent of wrongdoing, they wouldn’t feel the need to work the refs this hard. That is a theme across the board for these assholes. I want to remind everyone that NS loaded up the contaminated soil in regular ass dump trucks Not even marked for hazardous material, and drove them several hundred miles over the interstates that we all use, to bury them in remote backwater landfill operations. This is before any risk assessment was completed at these locations. The locals did their part and showed up at all the right meetings, didn’t fucking matter. The money was already in the right hands. The EPA had to step in and shut it down. Poor-fuck Stillborn is going to get away with it too. Were the CCP running things over here, the entire C-suite at that clown show would be swinging from a rope
They tried to derail the investigation? Bastards.
Obstruction of justice, though, is a criminal charge that can be applied to individuals. Moreover, conspiracy to obstruct justice call roll up a lot of people, and is one of the few things that can add up to RICO.
where’s my crossed fingers reaction emoji?!
( well, that’ll have to do i guess )
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