Originally published at: Obama Public Enemy No.1 in this week's dubious tabloids | Boing Boing
Dang I thought we were done with these.
“…flaunts covid rules!" claims the ‘Globe.’
Ugh. The word is flout, not flaunt.
UNLESS they were super-proud of their Covid rules and were showing them off.
This is not the first time I’ve seen the word “parading” used for Black people walking around and existing. In a This American Life (I think) episode about Somali refugees in St Cloud, the first Somali family was accepted readily. A second one comes in, and as the families enjoy walking through town together, a terrified local describes them as “parading” down the street.
‘Tawdry tabloids’.
Isn’t that a bit redundant?
Hmmm. This seems vaguely familiar, as if every FDC politician follows this mantra…
at some point the boing boing readership will realize they’re slowly being converted. you believe this stuff guy — see — we keep posting it all the time because you like it!
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