Odd Stuff (Part 1)

Biggest offenders honestly are agribusiness using antibiotics as growth enhancers, which does work great, but breeds resistant organisms in the poop pools. The more we learn about exchange of plasmids and bacterial conjugation the scarier this gets. We are teaching residents now to be ready for the post-antibiotic age, because it is coming way faster than predicted. And due to low profit margin, there are literally 0 new classes of antibiotics under development, just me-too tweaks on existing drugs.



You should be. I wish more people understood. Getting through to folks that taking antibiotic for colds is a horrible idea just makes them mad, and under the current environment passing any legislation to limit factory farming use of antibiotics is a non-starter, so like climate change we know this apocalyptic thing is coming, but cannot get TPTB to do anything. Most docs are trying to limit overuse, but we also know that we are a small minority of the usage.

There are lots more, but I’m depressed enough from the last week.


“The vendor, Special Services Group (SSG), was apparently none too pleased when Motherboard revealed that it planned to publish photographs and descriptions of the company’s surveillance toys. When reached for comment, SSG reportedly threatened to sue the tech publication, launched by VICE in 2009.”


:expressionless: :grinning: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy: Too much information!

(I needed that. Rolling my own socket.io in Pascal and then I find out that the Python library I’m trying to emulate has a non-standard middle layer. “What, that’s not in the RFC! Argh!”)

eta: I think that extra layer is for saving power on portable devices. I hate when there are good reasons for more work!

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Flying taxis? That’ll be AFTER you’ve launched light sabres and anti-gravity skateboards

I am going to respectfully disagree about that :scream:


General warning of unspecific unhelpful vague dread!

I’m awake now, but I still need coffee.

eta: Never mind.



So this was like the “missiles incoming” alert in Hawai’i. Great. Let’s have more of these so folks will be sure to ignore them when they come for real. Sigh…


I would only bid on a Biden.

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The Lost Boys of Silicone Valley: Botoxic work environments.

Over the hill at 36? Probably more like younger workers are easier to death-march and generally screw-over.

Alternate paywall:


Interplanetary BS

“This is a huge opportunity. We have the opportunity to create a warfighting service from scratch,” Shaw said Friday at an Air Force Association event in Washington. “I’ve been telling the team, ‘Don’t think about a warfighting service for the next decade. Create a warfighting service or the 22nd century. What is warfighting going to look like at the end of this century and into the next?’”

“That may include interplanetary operations, Shaw said.”

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Buzzword Bingo. The only things missing so far are Blockchain and disruptive, like Uber.



[Amazing male mating display] After such manic physical exertion, the actual act of copulation lasts a mere four seconds.

Yes, but how long is that in Hummingbird hours? “When flying, their hearts, no bigger than an infant’s fingernail, beat 1,200 times a minute. Every 60 seconds they breathe 250 times.” “if we used energy at that rate that hummingbirds do, our skin would heat up to 400 C.” Those are probably an intense four seconds.


Y2K quick-fix crick? 1920s come roaring back after mystery blip at UK’s vehicle licensing agency

Whirlybird-driving infosec boss fined after ranty Blackpool Airport air traffic control antics