I put that in the fuck today thread. Because fuck today for this BS.
Heh, you made me do a double take - I had posted this in the Removed Statues thread 10 minutes or so earlier and thought it had somehow moved into this thread…
(1) Road users may give audible and light signals only if:
- they are overtaking another vehicle outside a built-up area (section 5(5)); or
- they consider themselves or others to be in danger.
I wonder what it would take to make a custom horn that says, “Ahem!” That would be even better if the volume increases when the button is pushed multiple times. My idea for a final solution button (to be used when all else fails) involves the vehicular version of a cattle prod. I’ve probably watched too many episodes of Speed Racer.
That works so well when parents say it to their kids.
In the video he describes that the Adafruit sound board just plays an audio file. So I guess you could make the horn make whatever sound you like.
It’s too bad we can’t adjust a car’s headlights to simulate narrowed eyes. My parents usually combined the two, so when we turned around we’d see this…
Maybe I need a hood ornament instead…
Section 16 Warning signals
(3) Audible warning signals must not consist of a sequence of tones of different pitch.
Okay, I never expected hacking light bulbs.
for peds, you can get a bike bell, bolt it to something on the undercarriage, and run a long bicycle brake or shifter housing and cable through to your interior and attach a pull to that end, or hook it to an old brake lever or something. way, WAY easier than what this guy did. but probably only hearable to peds. but there’s probably a larger type of bell that would work for the intermediate sound, and a boat horn could be actuated in the same fashion for the locomotive sound, but you’d have to switch it out every time the air ran out, so eh.
but wiring a separate amp and PA seems like massive overkill, here.
Big or small, cats are cats…