OK Go's new video was shot in zero gravity

Let’s take Donald after he’s had a 64oz Big Gulp of Cherry Mr. Pibb.


His diet consists mainly of Hawking radiation.


Somebody once said that when you’re in orbit, it doesn’t feel like your floating. It feels like you’re falling, because that is exactly what you’re doing. So it’s like that moment on the roller coaster when your gut goes “Huh?” except that it lasts for hours…


That’s the feeling I was expecting on the Vomit Comet, but not at all. (At least for me.) It feels like… very little, actually. Like floating in a pool without the pressure of water around. Very, very neutral, almost a complete lack of physical sensation. But I had the odd perception that ‘down’ was in whichever direction I happened to be looking in. That clenching feeling you get when you look down over the edge of a cliff? Like that, but everywhere.

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There’s one shot where the outside of the window (blue skies, clouds) is clearly visible when the guys are supposedly orbiting the Moon. It doesn’t really detract from a fucken awesome movie but it’s a fun little glitch.

But…but…Hawking radiation isn’t Booyah…:confused::wink:

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