Originally published at: On 9/10/21 we remember 9+10=21 | Boing Boing
9 + 10 = 21 in base 8, but there’s no base 8 symbol for 9. Math doesn’t check out.
Jesus…I somehow missed the context in which this was a thing but it just seems mean. Is there a context that makes it anything other than an adult (I assume) being mean to a child?
Pretty sure you mean the commutative property, which basically means the operands can go in either order.
Communicative means they would be a chatty bunch, which may be true but that’s a bit outside the realm of math! =)
This whole gimmick is seemingly based on verbal abuse of a child, why give it a platform?
Not sure why this is supposed to be funny or worthy of commemoration.
I have a feeling this is in the boingboing tradition of here is something astoundingly unworthy of your attention, ha ha. Mean to everyone. It’s not pretty.
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