One type of acid reflux drug associated with doubled incidence of stomach cancer

Sadly, the same is true of most, if not nearly ALL vitamins. Just look at the ingredient labels: reaction salt after reaction salt, ad nauseam. Sure, not ALL of the ingredients but a large portion. I personally consider most multivitamins to be ways to sell industrial waste as “health” products (ofc an exaggeration, mind you ^^’). The fact remains, however, that most multivitamins provide little to no measurable benefit =x .

Additionally, if you take excess water-soluble vitamins, you just piss em’ right back out. In the case of vitamin C, this has even been linked to kidney stones. Fat soluble vitamins, on the other hand, simply don’t absorb very well without the presence of food, and some can even build up in body tissues to toxic levels (vitamins A & K come to mind).

Another issue is that even those that absorb, don’t do it in the ways most people think:

More info:

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A lot of those I knew. I don’t take vitamins or minerals or “supplements” (as if that name is meaningful) besides vitamin D3, which is important due to geographical and circadian reasons.

The oil-based vitamins in the liquid-filled capsules often absorb well, at least.

I lived with reflux that made eating anything an unpleasant experience for years before I started taking omeprazole. It started with just sweets, so I cut sweets out of my diet, but eventually, anything I ate would cause me misery for about 2 hours after eating. I lived with it for years before trying omoprazole. So while I appreciate the suggestions about weaning off (I only take the OTC dosage), it’s not really an option for me.


Sounds pretty awful, i’m glad you are able to get relief

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I’m there with you. I’ve had bad GERD since 2011. I tried every diet and every acid reducer out there. It hurt to eat anything and anything I ate tried to come back up. Every once in a while all I can sort of tolerate is soup and meal replacement drinks - at least when they come back up they hurt less. I was diagnosed with irritable bowl syndrome and was put on antidepressants which made everything worse. Eventually the doctors washed their hands of me. I can’t even get an appointment with a gastroentologist because I have a diagnosis and they are booked up with people they may be able to help.

I still take Tecta because at least on it I can eat solid foods, without it I am back to extreme unpleasantness. I sleep siting up and avoid a huge variety of foods which I know cause flare ups. I am already at risk for breast, ovarian cancer, so why not stomach cancer too. If I complain about severe stomach pain the doctor will just say IBS and nothing will be done about it. *internally screaming (why is there no emoji for that?)


That sucks. Mine is not that severe. Still, omeprazole was like a freakin miracle for me. I am able to actually enjoy food. The downside is, I’ve put on about 15 lbs, since before I basically just ate for fuel.

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That’s really rough. Reminds me of a friend who had bad acid reflux and had problems with her gallbladder, took her a long time to figure out what worked for her but seems your issue is on another level. Food is a thing we take for granted, like i can eat just about anything without much concern for my immediate health and i can’t imagine how you cope :c Wonder what’s the cause for such issues


:solidarity guys: It’s a long story, but I suffered from a SEVERE unexplained persistent cough for about 4 years which was bad enough that I’ve lost jobs over it, everybody would get up and walk to the other end of the train carriage each morning, and I’ve even had people square up to me over it, including amusingly on an aeroplane one time. After being through most of the departments, still undiagnosed, nobody could find anything wrong with me and I was apparently “otherwise in perfect health for a 32yo non-smoker”. It disappeared one morning just as abruptly and without explanation, but in the meantime it appears to have ripped a nice hole in my stomach lining, so I have all kinds of severe reflux complications. Even with PPIs (which I weaned myself off and went without for a year), I still spend much of the average day trying to find the most strategic place to be sick, and I can frequently go for nights without sleep. It’s fucking horrible, and what upsets me the most is that it probably wouldn’t be as bad if the multiple doctors I’d presented to with vomiting blood had paid attention and not tried to convince me that’s “nothing to worry about”. :frowning:


You have my sympathies. I periodically eat something that disagrees with me and can then basically only consume liquids for the next day or two until everything settles.

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