Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/10/09/oregon-zoo-x-rays.html
…wonderful things.
Beautiful. Some of those would look great framed on a wall.
At a local county run nature center, we cared for a seven foot Black Rat Snake for many years. It came into our care because it was run over by a bicycle while sunning itself on a path in the adjacent park. We had a couple of x-rays of it, sometimes on display in the window next to its enclosure. They were fascinating to look at.
Is that last one a g-g-g-g-ghost beaver??
How do you x-ray a bat in flight?
Rather quickly.
Great Beaver’s ghost!
(Apologies to Perry White of the Daily Planet)
These are easy: a snake wearing a Darth Vader helmet, a sloth giving someone the finger, a couple of chef’s knives, a HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?, and a football with the pump needle still inside.
A roasted turkey wearing a bicycle helmet.
Tamanduas are very cute (despite the nasty claws and the “come at me, bro” posture):
I used an artists drawing of a pacman skull as the basis for my flaming version. I don’t know if that one is it, though. Nice!
And apparent SUPER SKUNK ATTACK capabilities?!?
Not too late for a Tamandua costume this Halloween.
I came up with “terror bird” and moved on.
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