People in northern Sweden say "yes" in an unusual way

Uff da.

Or is that Norway?

Came here to post this. I hadn’t thought about it in years but I was surprised to hear how similar the Swedish was.

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Minnesota, mostly - but yeah, it’s Norwegian. (Though a Swede would understand you.)

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In British English that’s the sound a builder makes before he gives you a very large quote:

“(sfffff) that roof’s going to cost you a pretty penny”


Swedish speaking Finns use that too.

This is the punchline to a weird Scandinavian joke that I (an ethnic Norwegian) was told by an ethnic Swede many years ago - the joke being on the various levels of reserve displayed by the 3 major Scandinavian peoples.

The whole joke is that a Norwegian, a Swede, and a Finn were sitting around playing cards. The Swede was happily chattering away, the Norwegian would occasionally drop in a word or two, and during the course of the evening, the Finn once went slurp, with the slurp being performed exactly as in the video.

The joke is obviously that the Finns are notoriously reticent and reserved, even among such a generally-quiet people as the Scandinavians as a whole. I’m interested, though, that the claim is that FINNS are the one who make the slurping noise - something that previous to this very moment had been a source of confusion for me, that I have been unable to explain despite having told this joke several times myself. I’d be interested to know if Finns or some subpopulation thereof are also known for making this noise.

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