Yeah, some douches, but most of them are just grumbling a-holes. Hyper-rich douches have the matches and can’t wait to strike 'em.
There ought to be a law against 'em.
He’s obvious the Prince in SoCal, otherwise the other Invictus would have something to say about the scale of the Masquerade breach.
I remember having a protracted argument with an Anarcho-Capitalist who was arguing preaching for his One True Economic System, and that the for-profit private courts would totally side with the survivors of the penniless striking workers over the factory owner and their private army of strikebreakers. To say that it was filled with special pleading and other such fallacies in blatant opposition to how people actually work would be an understatement.
I sometimes think that the problem with communism as a philosophy is that it sounds like a pretty good idea on paper. Certainly good enough that millions of people have tried to make it work for a hundred years and found out that it’s not so great in practice.
Redditor-style anarcho-capitalism, on the other hand, is so obviously unworkable that nobody has ever tried to implement it, meaning that it’s never actually failed.
Any reason to think this metrics-based lawsuit investment firm will be anything other than an IP troll lawsuit investment firm?
Seems like a modest enough proposal…
“I’ll buy you a delicatessen! In stainless steel!”
That always had me wondering, and so today I stumbled across the meaning;
It seems that a delicatessen was a popular mafia commodity back in the roaring 20’s and 30’s, and the most valuable delis were the ones with stainless steel countertops (easy to clean, thus less bacteria-laden than wooden chopping blocks). Consequently, a “delicatessen in stainless steel” was considered a worthy gift and thus a potent bribe. It is reported that the phrase is attributable to Albert R. Broccoli.
Bleh. I wouldn’t even use tRump as fertilizer on my garden.
He is only following up on a business model first hinted at by Mr Doctrow himself in his dystopian fiction. SO kudos Mr. Doctrow for creating a beast you now seem to condemn.
There are actually no examples of a communist government in history. This is a common misconception brought about by the totalitarians penchant for misnaming their government. Unless you actually believe the Kim dynasty is a republic. Communes which are communist can actually be quite successful as long as they are kept to a small scale.
Between the actions of the fascists and the Leninists (including ideologies descended from it), lots of forms of communism were stopped before they even started.
I wonder how many capitalists would continue to claim to be anarchist if they understood that they couldn’t be anyone’s boss anymore?
I think it was first hinted at long before Cory started writing.
Pretty much any form of government can be successful on a small scale, including polygamous cult. The ability to scale, though, is key for anything beyond that.
You might want to watch out with calling Thiel a sociopath. He might try to run Boing Boing into the ground too
Incorrect! Someone tried to implement it, and got a bunch of rubes, cough sorry, fellow anarcho-capitalists to sign up for it, down in Chile… It didn’t work out so well, and died in the “we give you money” stages (unsurprisingly to anyone but the AnCaps–afterall, it was in the bagman’s, cough I mean moneyholder’s best interest to spend it on himself, afterall)
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