like a calm Tasmanian Devil
" It is known from a single tooth found at the Miocene-aged Two Tree Site fossil beds in Riversleigh in Queensland, Australia"
Is that yet another Dune joke?
Control yourself, platypus… liking… person.
I want them now.
“… known from a single tooth…”
Wait for my bro’, Baron-baby!
My avatar has something to say about that.
And their excremental boluses are the size of Volkswagen Beetles.
Earth after the Apocalypse.
“do not bounce”
Okay. Let’s get you started:
“Platypuses let their back legs dangle—even though they, too, are webbed—and propel themselves entirely with the front feet, steering with the tail.”
That’s interesting: Perhaps there’s some hydrodynamic reason for this; the loss of propulsion efficiency from the rear legs if they have to thrash through the oncoming turbulence created by the trashing forelimbs?
So less drag due to use of only forelimbs for thrust (resulting in perhaps close to laminar flow along the body aft of the forelimbs) … like penguins! And less work involved.
Bonus points for Metal Gear reference.