So you’re okay with everything only being available to you at the whim of the corporate owner.
Don’t put words in peoples’ mouths. It is possible to be aware of the realities of a situation without finding it acceptable. @rocketpj, in fact, specifically said they thought the deletion should be illegal in an earlier comment.
If you think you will read a book more than once, keep it, because the library may have other ideas.
I’d hesitate to call it a DVD, but 4K-UHD Bluray disks have no region codes. The players are fantastically expensive, and some of the discs are too. Moreover, the disks are a niche product, and aren’t sold in many places.
Some bluray discs worked in all three regions, but unfortunately the exceptions are many.
Then said it was ‘bizarre’ that people would want to purchase content. It’s not exactly an internally consistent position.
I don’t see how it’s inconsistent. They said they personally find it odd that anyone would want to purchase content, but if they do, the content provider shouldn’t be able to delete it on a whim. And then they acknowledged that they’re aware that’s not the reality of how it works.
It would be nice if NFTs actually solved the ownership problem.
You’re about a quarter of a century too late.
it wouldn’t be the first time
ahg. i owe @sqlrob a saccharine beverage
That card needs another space for “Links to an incomprehensible YouTube video when asked to ‘explain crypto to me like I’m a 5 year old.’”
For what it’s worth when Microsoft wound up it’s book service they did refund everything. I thought and still thought that was a pretty good deal.
You can buy directly from Cory Doctorow and his books will not be offered through Amazon Kindle.
The ebooks come as DRM-free MOBIs and EPUBs.
I mean it’s wrong but also if you paid to “own” these shows, I have zero sympathy
Hey now, no kink shaming
… why do you hate sharks and cake
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