Pluto should be reclassified as a planet, say some scientists

we’re all cartoon dogs, man

< sounds better when you say it like Dennis Hopper >


If planets are ‘geologically active’, wouldn’t we lose Mercury?


The argument for the moon being a planet is much stronger than for Pluto

If the moon was by itself it would still dominate Earth’s orbit around the sun


Once upon a time weren’t the four big moons called “Galilean planets”


We can call them whatever we want as long as they don’t shoot at us, right? “Don’t insult us with that planetoid crap, pilgrim! You’ll regret it!” So, no Plutonians ==> no problems. Whew.

By Becoming Revolutionary Orators Young Girls Become Very Great Women

Whoops, that’s the wrong one

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New Horizons is on course to investigate another Kuiper Belt object and maybe more after that.

Pluto is way smaller than our own moon.

Why oh why can I only like this once?

Remember when Peter Lynds hypnotized the news media by citing Zeno’s Paradox and disproved the existence of time?

Peter Lynds is not the new Einstein

Pluto is still not a planet

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Arrokoth seemed entirely unlike Pluto. It simply was’nt large enough have things like active tectonics.

If you life’s works consists of investigating geologically active worlds, would that be so bad?

Many of these requirements involve “hubble time”. Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the geologically active clique?

Mickey Mouse is a dog?

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No, but Goofy might be.

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