Also contrast, unfortunately. Most computer vision algorithms lean heavily on contrast which is why dazzle patterns screw over facial recognition tech so well.
So not algorithmic racism. Just the normal sort of institutional inertia and laziness that screws over whatever minority has a special need be it as trivial as an appropriately colored band-aid or as complex as a neural network tweaked for their facial structure/skin tone.
biggest mistake here was responding. Cop talks to you - SAY NOTHING. They’re at your door? Shut it. They’re at your car? SILENCE. Some rando at a bar casually mentions she’s a cop. Walk away! ANYTHING YOU SAY WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU. They literally fucking tell you that on every cop show on the planet, the shit is written into the laws that they have to say it to you to remind you they are out to get you. Never forget the cop’s main purpose is to kill/murder/maim/arrest those they perceive to deserve it. They already have every reason in the world to fuck you up, all you have to do is validate them, mildly, which is exactly what this stupid AI bullshit camera nonsense will do. Stay away / be afraid.
There’s been a few times that I thought “If I could bamboozle a few key people, this TV Show or Movie plot would be a real money maker.” Apparently these people saw the Tim Roth’s TV show “Lie to Me”. Micro expressions indeed.