Police training full of pseudoscientific bullshit—and they like it that way

The evolution of fire science is probably faster than the ability of firefighters to adapt. Maybe a generation has to be replaced, throw grandpa off the cliff :grimacing:

Body camera same same

I know a little about police training and it sounds a lot like going to hair dressing school. What you get from your academy is enough to get you out on the streets doing your basic job, just like once you go through hair school you can handle a pair of scissors without being a total butcher. But if you want to be good at your job, there needs to be more training, and it seems like a lot of departments fall down on providing the ongoing training people need to really be effective.


What you get from your academy is enough to get you out on the streets doing your basic job, just like once you go through hair school you can handle a pair of scissors without being a total butcher.

I immediately thought of this article…

The Price of Nice Nails

and since you mentioned butchering-- well, why not?

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