Pope Francis: atheists who follow their consciences (might) be welcome in Heaven

Isn’t everything better holding a dildo?

Wait, I have to reconsider my position on that.


I hear you, @peterk; I was just being exceedingly flip in response to a comment down thread.

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Snopes calls bullshit on this feel-good nonsense. Welcoming atheists into heaven would undermine the christian scam: http://www.snopes.com/politics/quotes/popeatheist.asp

Mr. Doctorow, I challenge you to modify your headline to notify readers that this lie is a lie. If you don’t amend the headline, please explain to us why you are comfortable spreading easily disprovable balderdash.


I wonder how the Pontifus Maximus feels about someone who forced his own excommunication from the church so that he would not be considered a catholic as a matter of conscience.

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I may be atheist (leaning toward agnostic) but hey it’s always good to hedge your bets I guess.

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If you’re gonna go around calling people evil for not believing implausible stories, don’t be surprised when they don’t want to join your club.


One of my faves…

[quote=“Alan Watts”] There is an old story about the astronaut who went far out into space and was asked upon his return whether he had been to heaven and seen God.

"Yes," he said.

"Well, what about God?"

"She is black." [/quote]

You know - maybe this statement isn’t for the atheists and agonostics, maybe it’s the for the Catholics who have felt like they lost part of their families to disbelief? Maybe it was meant to give them some hope of seeing their family members in the after life.


But are puppies allowed in heaven?

And, isn’t this as silly an idea as the Mormon retroactive baptism? A bunch of people who didn’t care about your religion are allowed to enter the heaven they didn’t care about. Woooo.


Well, I know I’m holding out to hear from all the other religions and see if they have a better offer on afterllives I also don’t have to believe in.


Unless I’m missing something, the quote debunked in that Snopes article is completely different than the one quoted in this post.


Much better then:

This is my dad’s faith. I’m glad I’ve found a way out from under it.


As far as a Second Coming, will never happen. With or without a God. The universe gives us birth, sufferings, old age, Death. We as humans are the Highest manifestation and Highest conscious in this planet. " Death" life after Death, is in this format. Just like the blossom, leaves, fruit, returns back to being “life” When the right conditions are right [spring]. When the right conditions “fall”. The blossom, leaves, fruit. Not death. But goes in a dormant state, (Latent state). Same with humans, life after Death goes into a latent state. when the right conditions are right, we as humans return back to life. [The Christ speaking through Jesus a human being. " messenger" said that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. Meaning that HEAVEN and Hell are not places, but are conditions in our life’s. We inherently are born with Hell, Anger, Hunger, Happiness, Animality, Rupture. Act.
We are born with Good and evil. And will die with good and evil. There is no sin. Only cause and effect. We do a good cause, we get back a good cause. We create a bad cause, we get back a bad effect. We are Appearance, Nature, entity. We are completely responsible for our own actions. Completely supremacy worthy of Respect. We are Children of The universal Law of cause and effect. The Law of causalit.
( no human can say God forgive you. As it seems that if I go for confession, and confess to of a murder, and the priest says go on my child, God forgive you. So now, I have credit to go and murder again, because the priest says, go my child, God forgive you.but no man can say that. But, we do not created sin, we created a cause deep within in. We as humans are The Enitiy of all phenomena.

Their opinions may be conscience-based, but the violence is based on fear and anger. From their point of view people who disagree with them aren’t equals worthy of consideration, so they manage to sidestep their consciences that way.

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Yeah, that was my question. If I’m a “good enough” atheist, do I at least get the choice to go to hell if i prefer?

Is there free will in the afterlife in the first place?

That’s considerablly older than the space programs. I’ve seen it attributed to all sorts of political satirists from early in the 20th century.

How many of these are atheists?

The self-appointed Apostle Paul, to be exact. Slightly OT, but it is perfectly possible to be a Christian and believe that St. Paul was an agent of the Devil send to distort Jesus’s message. (Please note I’m writing theoretically here, I am personally quite agnostic. But I’m an agnostic because I did theology at U, so there is that.)

There wasn’t any Mexico in the OT, in fact there wasn’t any America. So it would be purely hypothetical, as the rabbis didn’t concern themselves with nonexistent places.

Primo Levi records how his father, living in pre-War Italy, couldn’t resist the smell of the ham in the delicatessen. And I remember, many years ago, taking a group of kids on a holiday in Lancashire. The hostel had helpfully provided both non-kosher and as-kosher-as-you-can-get-up-a-hill-in-Lancashire breakfast. The non-kosher breakfast included local bacon and black pudding, which smelled and tasted amazing. On the second day I had a revolt, and was told “we’re not in Israel, so the rules don’t apply.”

At any given point in time for any religion there are people for whom it is a social club with a few rules - most of them - and a much smaller number of control freaks who see strict adherence to the rules as an opportunity to boss about other people. Hassidic men get to oppress Hassidic women, for instance.
The new Pope is just continuing with Vatican II. I suspect that the Catholic Church is on its way to be a cultural religion like many forms of Buddhism or Reform Judaism. As such it will continue to have members who are attracted to its ideals of social justice, care for the sick and the poor and who know that if they have to move jobs frequently they will have a ready made social organisation to fall into when they move. It will be a minority movement, but still influential.