Possible PBBB laptop RPG game

Because I’m going to be away from the computer a bit, here’s a little split in the trousers of time to be sown up seamlessly back in the narrative thread.

IF the guardian’s repeat their initial challenge when Nic comes back through the door, THEN

Nicolas de Courcy
De Courcy saunters back in, with an air of dismissive confidence. Like he knows that no matter how much more money you have he’ll always be your better. Like a nobleman. Surprisingly, it seems to fit him like an old coat

As the old mans’s voice fades he replies in as unaccented Arabic as he can.
“Caliph Abu Hafsa ibn Moktada al-Wazifi.”

And walks forward four feet, planning to continue just past the guardians if the halberds don’t come down.

IF the challenge doesn’t repeat, THEN:
Nicolas de Courcy

De Courcy saunters back in, with an air of dismissive confidence. Like he knows that no matter how much more money you have he’ll always be your better. Like a nobleman. Surprisingly, it seems to fit him like an old coat.

He pauses for a second, then seems to almost shake himself off.

“Always hated being that…” he mutters under his breath, before looking to the group.
“Huh, thought that might have reset them. Maybe everybody needs to do it?”

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