Price of 40-year-old cancer drug raised from $50 to $768 a pill

You provided links to decisions you did not like, which is not the same thing at all. Your evidence included, for example, a long email to the FDA from this crackpot.

However, FDA’s corruption is clearly a matter of faith with you, and if I wanted to argue faith I’d go back to beth midrash.

I gave a reasonable spectrum of sources and examples from more than one point of view. As I’ve repeatedly said, nobody has to take my word for anything, the FDA’s corruption is trivially verified. Political actors override science at the FDA, and it’s clear that those politicians serve specific industries and not society.

Let’s close this disagreement with the note that while I’m sorry I haven’t persuaded you to see what I do, I very much appreciate your willingness to engage in conversation.


All perfectly legal except for false advertising lying about the costs !! Surely the FDA can bring pressure on this despicable company and its smiling-while-he-shafts you CEO . Here is what he hasn’t thought of - A person dying of cancer might seek him out and kill him !! or have I watched too many crime and retribution style movies ?

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