“Procrastination is an emotion regulation problem, not a time management problem,” says psychologist

Yep. Procrastination and PTSD so my flavor is called “hypoarousal”.

The self-analysis I’ve done on my procrastination is that I do it as a way of avoiding quantum wave function collapse. As long as I don’t make the decision or do the thing there are more possibilities in play, and maybe I haven’t chosen the correct decision but I haven’t committed to the wrong one either. For difficult decisions I tend to wait until the last possible moment because I keep hoping a better or more elegant solution will present itself or facts on the ground reveal themselves making the path clear. Using it as a tool in decision making strikes me as entirely rational; it actually seems irrational to make decisions before you absolutely need to, when it’s always possible more information will come into play.

Or maybe this is all just a rationalization for a bad habit.


When a certain movie put the phrase ‘carpe diem’ in everyone’s mind one of the philosophical musings it prompted was “so… does this mean I should work more, or less?”


Hey, no worries, I really wanted to correct “viscous” with my own joke (which I have of course since forgotten), but you beat me to it and I needed satisfaction! Plus, how often am I going to get to use my miniscule knowledge of Middle English…?


This whole topic reminds me that boingboing (discourse?) doesn’t have an (easily findable) way to delete an account. I can’t even lock myself out by setting a long garbage password, because to set a password I need to give a working email for verification purposes.

I can understand not wanting to wipe old comments, because that can make potentially interesting discussions from the past incomprehensible. However I would like the option to lock myself out as a measure of self-protection and I think BB doesn’t currently have that. Making BB in a way worse than facebook, because fb has been pressured in providing that option.

You can “self ban”. Just send a DM to (at)moderators (not using a proper @ sign to avoid bugging them) for how long you want to take a break.
Others here have done it in the past.


Hm. I still think it should just be a button in your profile, and not something you have to ask a moderator.

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“We don’t do it because we’re lazy.” With respect, nonsense. At times, one is lazy because one is lazy I know, I is one. :wink: I have computer/home upgrade projects languishing for months because what I have is working “good enough” and I find getting motivated to finish just isn’t there as I get older and there’s a lot of other things to be doing.

I agree. Perhaps there should be at least two general types of procrastination: Irrational and Rational

Not sure that would really work to prevent procrastination.

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Sure it would. I wiped my facebook account and I now never go there anymore. If it’s a button, you only have to be a sensible grown-up for 1/10th of a second :slight_smile:

There’s times I procrastinate out of boredom or laziness, but a lot of the time it’s a manifestation of my anxiety, which I don’t think people get.

Outright panic attacks, hyperventilating, people can wrap their heads around. Sitting on the couch refreshing a page over and over while internally screaming at yourself to get up and do the thing is a little harder to explain.


Just FTR, the Currey iteration of Android has a “Digital wellbeing” function which can ahut down apps based on usage timers.

I started using this for three of my four browsers. It helps to remind me that I should not spent too much time on certain forums.

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