“Pussy Boat”
That term has a different meaning to a Sailor.
Gah. It’s bugging me that there’s only a “Ba-Dum” instead of a “Ba-Dum-Dum” when she’s clearly hitting the drum three times.
Isn’t there a vagina festival in Japan? Aren’t there shots for that just to prove the absurdity of this whole debacle?
Was wondering why her boat was showing up in the late night monologues yesterday…
The real rub here is that the woman gets punished for the boat, but the little man gets off.
Man, we imposed some messed up laws on those people.
Ososo Matsuri
Has no one made the “Pussy McBoatface” tie-in?
Not yet. But I was thinking more Boaty McPussface.
We did? What makes you think that?
Are you related to Emperor Meiji (Mutsuhito)? Because he’s the guy who was in charge when the Japanese law against distributing “indecent” material was written in 1907.
Probably referring to the laws which were passed in that era following westernization, so your point still stands.
Well, the United States actually forced them to put a clause into their Constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech and forbidding censorship. It gets ignored by the courts in favor of their old penal code when it comes to those big bad scary vulvas.
I see what you tried to do here referencing fertility festivals but the facts according to my lawyer friends are that were a male artist to distribute realistic images of his penis he’d end up against these same laws.