Ralpher Nader: the law must be free!

My take on it is that if we put a fraction of the effort/resources we put into contributing to the existing system into creating something better we wouldn’t be having these problems, they exist only because there’s no obvious and easy way for people to choose between whatever government they’re born into and other options, we’re just trapped.

You can try to change it for everybody, or you can give the people who’d rather do something else the option to do so, I prefer the latter for a multitude of reasons.

On the side discussion (using a corporation to create multiple options for self governance), it’s one of many options IMHO, and the fact that we have to focus on venture capitalists and sponsors is a travesty, but it seems like doing things the ‘right’ way hasn’t produced much for results in the grand scheme of things. Recruiting into something better is faster and leaves a more solid psychological foundation than trying to make everybody agree on a way to fix this government.