Randy Rainbow slaughters the GQP in his latest, "Clang Clang Clang Went Josh Hawley"

Originally published at: Randy Rainbow slaughters the GQP in his latest, "Clang Clang Clang Went Josh Hawley" | Boing Boing


We’ve seen Randy live, I can’t wait till this is over and he tours again.


Magnificient. Thank you for keeping us current to Randy’s essential commentary!

(i was afraid that as trump submerged back into the cesspool we’d lose Maestro Rainbow’s voice while yet so much vital work remains … but there he is; getting even better, if possible)


Randy Rainbow kept me sane during the Trump years. His Very Stable Genius video is amazing, just brilliant.

He should be given a TV spot. Maybe not a whole show, but a recurring segment on a news show or comedy show.

NOTE: As much as love this stuff, the Republican party won’t go to its well-deserved end in the Diaper Genie of History without help.

We all need to support candidates running against Republicans. Every race: School boards, city councils, water district boards, park and rec directors, the whole thing. Donate money, volunteer, work for local parties (Democrats, DSA, whatever), help with voter registration and support drives.

I just read that Biden is getting good marks for handling the pandemic, including 47% of Republicans. Competence and sanity make a bid difference. That’s something candidates can run on.


We need to support in spirit, if not votes, republicans willing to break with trump with the end-game being a significant split of the GOP into two parties, neither capable of winning.


as a life-long aficionado of Meet Me In St. Louis, particularly the trolly song scene, this is amazing. of course, i should not be surprised, but still. how does he do it??


I thought the same. His attention to detail with costumes is crazy good!


yeah, for sure. and the gestures and looks! hilarious. he probably scrolled through it a zillion times to be sure.


Randy Rainbow is America’s National Treasure!

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