Originally published at: Red Buttons never got a dinner | Boing Boing
Red was pigeon holed early on in his career as a “side kick”, he got a lot of work, but never could shake that moniker. He slaughters Sinatra in that scene/roast.
Michael Landon: “I’m a little nervous being up here. I’m not a comedian. I’m not used to getting laughs. And I can see that none of you are either…”
In the late '90’s there was a website called KHAHA.com that was basically 24-hour comedy radio. It played seemingly random clips and at least a couple of Buttons’s “Never got a dinner…” bits would pop up during a week.
What was funny was the site would list the CD the clip was pulled from but no other information was provided so listeners were left on our own to figure out who was getting a dinner.
I really like him in The Longest Day.
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