Reddit's Head of Community quits



Ha! Ok. BBS doesn’t support ironic hashtags, good to know! :slight_smile:


It’s really hard to tell in these topics, sadly.

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You Set’em up and I… Will throw a gutter ball.



When this was the front page of Reddit, it was “entirely appropriate”?

When it turned out that Ellen Pao was nasty subreddits’ last defender, that “backlash” was the right response?

When it turned out that Alexis Ohanian was actually the one to fire Taylor, that “backlash” was the right response?


Dorkno-libertarians committed to subsidizing white supremacist subreddits on principle…

I’m not sure how being a free-speech absolutist online makes you a “dorkno-libertarian.” The problem with free speech almost everywhere online is that is isn’t actually free. It’s going through a privately-owned pipe and the corporations that own those pipes can and do censor content ranging from white supremacy to anti-corporate and anti-war activism. Their reasons are never moral or ethical, they are financial. Reddit only started stepping in to censor certain (admittedly heinous) subreddits because they are trying to court advertisers and investors.

Reddit has discovered to their chagrin that they don’t actually control their own content, that a huge army of mostly volunteers essentially built and maintain the site. These volunteers value Reddit above all else for its commitment to giving a platform to anyone who wants to start a subreddit, ie radical free speech. To that end, Reddit has thousands and thousands of subreddits, many of which are offensive to someone, some of which are offensive to a lot of people, and some that are despicable to most. That truly open forum of ideas is why Reddit is so beloved by its users, and why moves to lock it down in any way attract such immediate anger and blowback.

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There are subreddits that have been proven to be used as launch-off and organizational groups for nazis and other bigots to target people - often children - with harassment, hate, and all sorts of evil.

There are subreddits that post upskirt images of unwilling women while outright lying, claiming they consent, despite the fact that they provably don’t.

If reddit is committed to giving a platform to these things - and its users love it for giving a platform to these things - then it deserves to be burned to the ground and its users shunned from polite society. This isn’t just “people saying things I don’t like”, it’s direct, targeted harassment, often with the stated goal of hoping to push the victim to kill themselves. If that falls under “freedom of speech” for you, then I think you’ll find a lot of people are rightfully against freedom of speech.


This is bad, why? Why do you think you have a right to free speech on a private site that you don’t even pay to use?


Occam’s Razor, man.


Yeah, okay…statement from Reddit:

Jessica is going to return to Salt Lake City to be with her family, but we’ve yet to settle on a date. We’re grateful for her invaluable contributions to our community, from Secret Santa to industry-leading policy changes, and wish her all the best in her future endeavors.

And a quote from Jessica, on Reddit:

Someone went to re/code without my or reddit’s permission. The reporter was clearly going to write something so it was important to attempt to quell the accusations and speculation. I honestly would not have involved the press in any way. I truly can not stand it. Edit to add: Since we had not even finalized my final date, it wasn’t really time to say anything public. I would have waited until we were all ready for the transition to be final and I was on my way out. Given how quiet I am on the site, I am no Victoria. She was amazing and so intertwined with users. I’m not like that. I expected a much quieter exit.


Hi everyone. I did not make an announcement as I’m a really private person. I don’t like attention and having the media involved is super uncomfortable : ( There is a transition in place. I am working with Spez and the new head of community as I leave. I don’t want to announce the person since I’m not sure if they are ready yet. That will be it’s own announcement. Re/code makes it sound like I left abruptly but I haven’t. My departure has to do with my own life outside of work and nothing internal at reddit. It has nothing to do with the policy changes or being a woman. The author couched facts between sentences meant to inspire speculation. I have really loved being with reddit and I’m sad to go. Staying just doesn’t work with the rest of my life right now. I just want to clear up any speculation or misconceptions about this. I assure you that you will be in good hands after I leave. Better than my own, actually.


A good discussion to have, but from outward appearances, largely irrelevant to the subject at hand.


Super bad timing, then. Part of Reddit’s problem is that they lack the leadership to control and define their own narrative.

There is a danger in outsourcing too much to “your community”. It is one thing to be a non profit public good org like Wikipedia, and quite another to be a for-profit business.




“According to the Harvard Business Review, 41% of women working in tech eventually end up leaving the field (compared to just 17% of men), and I can understand why…”


Interesting commentary on Reddit as a “community”

For the reasons I stated in my initial comment: Much of our “free speech” is actually running through corporate pipes, from Reddit to Facebook to everything you do on Google. Thus, as Julian Assange said, “Censorship, like everything else in the West, has been privatized.”

I believe there is value in encouraging private companies to act like common carriers rather than de facto censors. The notion that we don’t pay to use “free” sites is rather antiquated. We all pay with our eyeballs and data. Companies monetize users, which is why they will quickly sacrifice free speech ideals if they get in the way of their profits.

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It isn’t going to happen though. They pay the bills and they’ll make whatever rules they think will bring them money.

BRD would be pleased.

…Black Rock Desert? uh… or maybe Big Red Dog or Bundesrepublik Deutschland?

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