Hamas are dicks. No one is denying that. The point is that Israel’s politicians have the choice to be dicks or not, and sadly they choose to be dicks more often than not. People don’t expect better of Hamas but we do expect better of Israel.
Your point is fairly moot considering the thing you linked to was a UN site reporting the UN condemning Hamas storing rockets in UN supported schools. The Israeli army thanks the UN for sticking it to Hamas by bombing places that the UN had designated (and informed Israel of on at least 8 separate occasions) as civilian shelters. Should the UN not condemn Hamas next time? That’s the message that is being sent.
15 dead and 100 injured at a UN shelter could easily be construed as a war crime, particularly considering Israel is kind enough to terrorise the population of Gaza by notifying them in advance of the areas they’re going to bomb. So the people who left their homes as advised by the Israelis went to the designated UN shelter for such people, only to be killed there. It’s a fucking farce for such a technologically advanced army to have even hit the place.
Any death is tragic, but the disproportionate scale of the killing is what angers the world. It is my understanding that (excluding the 3 teens murdered by some asshole) precisely one Israeli civilian has died from rocket attacks this time around. More Israelis have been killed being sent into Gaza as soldiers by the Israeli government than as a result of Hamas rockets. Almost twice the Israeli death count occurred to Palestinians and UN workers in this one bombing episode.
I believe one Israeli soldier is missing in Gaza, so be prepared for Israel to release yet another couple hundred prisoners in exchange for one guy. That is, unless he’s already met an untimely end.
The Israeli government likes to set up any opposition to its actions as opposition to Judaism, or the right for Jews to have a home in Israel. It’s blatant false equivalence that resonates in jewish expat communities around the world. The words (often in CAPS) ‘jew hater’ are almost an automatic and expected response to any online criticism of Israel, and this intellectual dishonesty annoys anyone who is able to see it for what it is: playing the race (well, religion) card for the purposes of stifling the conversation.
Have you looked through the list of items that Israel doesn’t let into Gaza? It’s almost a violation of human rights for some of the items. I don’t know if the list has changed, but last time I read through it cement was on the list. CEMENT FOR FUCKS SAKE. If that’s not punishing a populace for the actions of some I don’t know what is.
You’re a smart guy with a command of english and decent scope of the world. You have the capacity to explain to Israelis, in their own language, the grievances we’ve mentioned here (they’re fairly common ones). You know that non-Israelis or non-Jews have next to no chance of changing opinion in Israel, and I also know that it’s not easy trying to explain in the company of fellow jews (I have no jewish background, but have heard a ton of first-hand stories) that what is happening is actually hurting Israel’s chance for normalised relations in the region and damaging the outside world’s view of Israel (and, by extension, Jews as the connection the Israeli govt. wishes to draw unfortunately goes both ways for those not sensible enough to separate the two).
I literally DGAF. It makes me depressingly sad any time something like this happens but I’ve had to, over the years, put it in the category I reserve for things like US mass shootings: You’ve made your bed, now die in it. It’s the only way I can read about what’s happening and stay sane. No one but Israelis can change how shit works around there.
None of us are under the illusion that Hamas are nice guys. They consistently prove themselves to be sabre-rattling dicks. As long as Palestinians are subjected to what amounts to the world’s largest open-air prison, rockets will continue to be shot into Israel. Hamas has a stockpile of 10,000 and have fired only something like 10% of those in this exchange so far. Israel is bombing the border for the purposes of destroying smuggling tunnels. As soon as this is all over, within weeks there will be dozens of new tunnels because the Israeli embargo of various simple items (even things like livestock) means that these tunnels are both a necessity and a lucrative business prospect for Palestinians. Once the tunnels are there, anything can be brought through and the whole process starts again.
TL;DR the only way this stops is if Israel changes business as usual.