Registered Democrats (mostly young and/or racialised) who didn't vote cost Hillary the election

As I’ve discussed elsewhere, abolishing the Electoral College entirely causes serious problems in terms of attention paid to lower-populated states during and after campaigns. It still works as a leveller in the sense that “states’ rights” has Constitutional aspects and isn’t just a euphemism for allowing racist laws.

Better to reform the EC by requiring that electors be allocated by the popular vote within a state and by demanding that the electors are held accountable for their votes. The winner-take-all system current in 48 states makes no sense.

Otherwise, your suggestions are ones I regularly make myself. #2 would have to go hand-in-hand with #3, which in turn would have to have top-notch validation and design features*. Election Day becomes tabulation day. However, taking into account the duopoly’s vested interests in keeping things exactly as they are and some states’ aversion to (gasp) nation-wide standards, none of them are going to happen anytime soon.

[* and also with strong and trustworthy open-source electronic tabulation systems, but we could use those for FPTP, too]