"Remorseless" LA socialite sentenced to 15 years for mowing down two boys in crosswalk

My point exactly, no?

There’s a sneaky fourth purpose: Beefing up the population of rural areas, without letting the inmates vote. Kind of a boutique version of the Three-fifths Compromise.

When a country has five times the incarceration rate of its equivalent neighbor, there’s more going on than crime and punishment.


I suppose it depends on how she achieved socialite status. Is she living off of a spouse’s money. Maybe I’m just a cynic, but could “clever” accounting basically make her judgment proof by arguing that she doesn’t have any money of her own? (Or could high price lawyers that a socialite’s husband could afford just overwhelm what the victims’ families can afford?)

They might have more luck if she’s living off trust fund money.

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She’s the soon-to-be ex-wife of a successful plastic surgeon. He defended her driving habits in the trial and seems to be the source of her status. She probably will have money coming to her if the divorce goes through.


Ok, now I’m confused, because this discussion started with me saying it was about retribution and you saying it was about the money.

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Who specializes in burn treatment. He and his wife co-founded a burn treatment center, so she presumably has ownership in that. So yes, he is the source of her income, but at this point, that income is partly independent of him.

Since she probably has an ownership stake in that burn center, probably not. Even if she sells her interest, she’ll have the cash from that. And clever accounting in anticipation of a lawsuit will not shield you from damages, as Alex Jones has discovered.


I’m sure she’ll make the prison social register.

I hope the families bankrupt her too.

Asshole could have called a cab.


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