Did they have a 27B-stroke-6?
I suspect that anyone who would write a contract like that has a conscience that can unhinge its jaws like a snake to swallow almost anything; possibly after slowly suffocating it first.
One of our reptilian overlords, obviously.
The US government grants corporations all the same rights and freedoms as private citizens except for the right to be held accountable for any wrongdoing or wilful neglect of services and duties.
Sadly, this is not a joke.
Corporations don’t have the right to vote.
I have that book on my to read list! Looking forward to it.
Technically speaking, true, but that’s why we now have Citizens United to jump through that loophole.
Wow this hits a bit too close. I was transported in a Life Line ambulance to a Prescott Valley, AZ hospital. They lost some of my possessions including my car keys. Several times they told me they didn’t have them and that they must have given them to the hospital or the police. I found a police officer who specifically remembered giving them to Life Line. Of course Life Line said he was incorrect.
I gave up and paid a locksmith to break into my car, bought a new several-hundred dollar electronic key, and replaced the other things.
About a month later I got a call from LifeLine saying “We found your things”. I had to wait a half hour after our appointment outside the ramshackle headquarters while nobody responded to my knocks or calls even though I could see people were inside. Finally a Life Line employee strolled out with my stuff. No explanations or apologies.
ETA: Oh, and did I mention that my key fob had my name and phone number clearly visible the whole time?
One of the reasons I am not going back there.
No, they have something way better: the legal right to bribe politicians with unlimited $free$peech$
Citizens United was the end of American democracy.
With that level of arrogance, they must also be a tow-truck company.
They have every right to be arrogant. They made boycotting them illegal.
Two items for contemplation:
Are there journalists in the area who cover local issues who can bring stuff like this to the attention of the public?
Do people pay attention to who is running their local government? Do they vote in the odd-year elections when most local officials are elected?
The answer, most likely, is ‘no’ to both
Thanks – I had to look that up. Here’s the story (99% Invisible).
Yes, as a service to the judge one needs to make clear that corpses are to be carried for provision when the private service is unavailable so they have some business to deal with. Maybe impossible video monitoring check-ins on exactly nobody, as well.
Oh… you’re serious… probably not. Local news providers are often underfunded and now owned by national or international conglomerates who are looking to sell off what is profitable and scrap the rest.
I"m sorry, but…do you mean a local news agency like ABC15 Arizona, where Tom got this story?
Ope! Here’s your Coke.
Or…for the holidays, would you prefer a hot Dr. Pepper?