Restored video of High Street in Marseille, France in 1896

A few years after marijuana was legalized they replaced mile marker 420 on I-70, it now says 419.9


If they didn’t also move it back 528 feet, it would be inaccurate.

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High street is a generic British term for shopping street.

And the unimaginative name for a good few of them.


In Marseille, a “bar américain” (american bar) meant a hostess club. Where you would be well accompanied while drinking. They were mostly near the opera house and were all closed around 2015.

Other ads I spotted:
“A la Couronne des Regrets” and “Mortuaire” - At the wreath of regrets, mortuary.
"Abattoirs du Vieux Port " - Old port slaughterhouse.
“Sardines Jockey-Club de Saupiquet” - Saupiquet stills exists in France!


Personally, I’d only capitalise it when it’s the actual name of the street in question. The Guardian agrees:

But the Guardian hates capital letters on principle, so it may not be the most reliable guide to common usage.


You and I have different ideas of chaotic, this looks downright orderly and civil. There’s not a single car travelling 60km/h acting like anyone that’s not encased in a similar metal box deserves to die for daring to enter their realm of asphalt.


there are other videos that this person (or someone else) has restored from San Francisco a decade or more later. motor vehicles are involved then, moving much faster than a horse, and the traffic chaos is the same, though – people and animals moving willy-nillly into each other’s way.

A high street is a generic term for a shopping street. I assumed that’s what was meant.[quote=“Franko, post:11, topic:137368”]
it’s a wonder the death and injury rates weren’t astronomical.

As noted above they probably were somewhat higher. But also - speed kills, and nothing on those streets was moving at even the totally legal speeds people drive on our quiet residential street today.

From the YouTube post

Very old film of the “Canebière” high street in Marseille, France on April 11, 1896.


Mental reminder to google “Pregnant Dwarf Hamster Behavior.” later when I am not on my work computer.

Like a page out of an Adele Blanc-Sec comic.

I think that’s actually an example of Orange Russkie doo Peepee.

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It’s actually 419.99, I mis-typed earlier

There was at least one still operating in late 2016, but that place was really shady looking…

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