Satisfying rant about how broken everything on the web is

With NoScript, Adblock and FlashBlock, it’s like flash doesn’t even exist!

Now if you don’t mind (not you personally, of course)…


A sticky note is perfectly secure against a remote attack.

It won’t help you when your threat model is centered on other people physically present. It will be superior against an electronic solution when said solution can be part of the problem (e.g. vulnerable, and common enough to warrant existence of a botneted exploit).

Written-down passwords have their uses.

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You know what? I have passwords written down too. On a document next to my birth certificate.

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all my passwords consist of fish puns (or do they (pollocks, i’ve said to much!!))


I’ve got a Nexus 4. The stock Gallery app disappeared with Android 5 if not before. It just seems like Google’s ideas for how something should behave are frequently different from how most people would look at it.

Indeed, they do [and I agree with the security failings you mention], but given my propensity for losing damn near every scrap of paper I come across, the PWD manager has become my go-to software for such things.

EDIT: I wanted also to say that I’ve got Chrome restricted from accepting third-party cookies, and yet that noticeably triggers the little footer on a lot of sites complaining that they use cookies to save all the children and why won’t I just accept their cookie and move on?

Now if only it wasn’t a huge pain to use and worked as effectively as my browser one, I wouldn’t mind. If you’re going to nab functionality, don’t half-ass it!

In what way is it a pain in the ass or less effective than the browser one? Seems to work pretty well for me.

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