Science: closing the toilet lid before flushing doesn't prevent aerosolized horrors covering bathroom surfaces

The magnetic toilet seal website - whose raison d’être is to, surprise, sell magnetic toilet seals - lists a lot of facts that are correct - in the sense of “Well, this is what we think what’s what based on the data and reasoning we have so far. But keep in mind that this bug is still brand new and really weird. A lot of further research is needed.”
So far, so good. (Webdesign not withstanding. Maybe this is how the cool kids are doing it these days.)

But - and this is a big but - then they cap it all off with their closing argument which is, and I quote:

“It’s just plain Common Sense our toilets make Covid-19 airborne! Again….”

I know I shouldn’t skip the peer reviewed by actual experts stage, but I’m willing to bet my air fryer that what we’re looking at here is the waste matter of a cow’s husband.