Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/06/17/wear-your-mask-in-the-bathroom.html
All the stories I have read about germs germs germs in the bathroom have the same format: show some study about how physics can cause germs to move in the air and then without any backing from the study itself conclude that this is really dangerous.
If the air is too still that means the germs won’t get blown away. If the air moves too much that means the germs will get blown toward you. It is never acknowledged that maybe dilution from air flow or lack thereof might be a good thing.
And it helps with the stink!
Solution: Black Hole Toilets™
I haven’t seen the sort of public toilets in the picture for YEARS! Are they still out in the wild?
Came here to say this exactly. Even the study cited by NYT made it clear conclusions were completely inconclusive. The headline is basically send sensationalist crap. Fucking NYT’s.
Mind how you go.
Truly, I can’t see myself ever being comfortable in a crowded indoor space again. The whole pandemic was a long time coming, and this isn’t nearly the worst it could have been.
Alternate dimension on the other side: “WTF?”
I’ve just had a horrible thought about Dark Matter…
This is fine for men with regulation (or smaller) penises.
Dave Barry covered this 25 years ago: https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-1995-04-30-1995120176-story.html
If droplets or aerosolized covid 19 from toilets are an issue, it’s not clear that wearing nuisance level masks rather than N95 respirators will be effective. The idea behind the lower grade masks is that they are good at source control, preventing us from spreading large droplets (before the large droplets partially evaporate and become smaller droplets) if we all wear them. However they are not good as personal protection, at preventing you from breathing in the SARS-CoV-2 virus by filtering out smaller droplets.
So get lids for public toilets, and convince people to close the lid before they flush. Or make it happen automatically. Should stop some of the aerosol, right?
Is this a problem with public bidets? /s
So, does BB Store sell adult diapers so we won’t have to go into public toilets? Maybe some that have Alexa integration and are 60% off?
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