Sign outside a Dallas comic shop on the day the Supreme Court OK'd gay marriage

If the only thing preventing the religious from wanton acts of violence and destruction is a few self-contradictory words in a book, then I hope they never stop believing.


My bottom line? Read the bible, while maintaining logic and reason within your own mind. Do not try to rationalize everything it says. Just take it at face value. Youā€™ll see that the god of abraham is, in fact, evil.

Any good that comes out of the bible is either self-evident to anyone with a mote of empathy and compassion, or is built off of those same principals of empathy, compassion and pro-sociality.

Can we get back to joy on this day/topic?


Please tell them the internet says CONGRATULATIONS!


And the reason for the genocide wasā€¦

Because god said so. According to 1 Samuel 15, the Amalekites attacked the Israelites as they fled Egypt (didnā€™t happen. Thereā€™s no credible evidence the Israelites were ever Egyptian slaves, and there is lots of evidence that they just grouped together from several groups of desert nomads)

Soā€¦ The biblical justification for completely erasing a whole civilization from the planet and not leaving a trace of them ever existing is because they attacked the Israelites once during an event that didnā€™t even happen.

There are other genocides perpetrated in the bible, but the reason for those are most often ā€œtheyā€™re on the land our god says we should have. They didnā€™t want to give that land to us, so we destroyed their civilization.ā€

Then thereā€™s the story of Dinah where the Israelites tricked a city into getting circumcised as part of a trade for a human being. Then when the poor bastards were still hobbled by their freshly mutilated dicks, the Israelites killed them all and took their women, children and livestock.

Never underestimate the power of brainwashing since birth.

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If people express differences from your understandings, well, they must have been brainwashed, from birth no less.

No, just expressing differences alone, does not indicate brainwashing from birth. What does indicate being brainwashed from birth, is being brainwashed from birth. Thanks so much for playing, and I hope you enjoy our lovely parting gifts, including the home version of our game.

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