Sign up form discriminates against people with short surnames

Myanmar? Mononyms are common there.

This is meant as a conversation starter and an honest question:

What about Turkey Bacon?

Does it matter if I eat Turkey Bacon due to allergies or due to religious reasons, as to if it’s discrimination or not?

I can really kind of see it both ways - in some ways, a store is not bound to carry products suitable for particular groups of people. On the other hand, going out of their way to ensure that their products are not Kosher and Halal is somewhat discriminary. (And, tbh, both the Jewish and Islamic groups near me are such large population groups that virtually all of the larger local stores go out of their way to cater to both groups; which is great for me, since I am allergic to pork…)

Eat whatever you want? Why do you think I care?


Might be! I didn’t actually ask her, I just was like “okay” and got on with my transaction. I’m sure she has to explain it 57 times a day and there’s probably people who are dicks about it.

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Wow that’s some really bad web design there.

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The only reason my last name is Lee rather than Li is that my husband’s grandparents had their last name Angelcised when they moved to Malaysia.





Maybe someone should test how well the database inputs are sanitized.

Where’s Theseus when you need him?

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“It’s Li, l-i, just two letters.”
Freeze, blink blink blink
“2 letters, l-i.”
Still frozen, blink, blink, blink
“No middle name.”

All the time.
(Yeah folks, “even in California”.)


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